We welcome all into the fellowship of this congregation, whatever your religious background, nationality, economic condition, or lifestyle choice. Programs of outreach and care have sprung up because the Spirit of God, revealed and made available through faith in the Living Christ, is alive and at work in the midst of the people here. Your presence in worship, or at any of the other events in our church's life, will be a blessing to us and, we believe, to you as well!
Every Sunday at 11 a.m.
The heart of this church is the Sunday worship service. A spirit of joy, love and warmth fills the sanctuary. Along with the pastoral sermon, there is a children's time, music (both sung and instrumental), quiet meditation and prayer. The congregation takes an active part in the service as music leaders, liturgists, and communion servers.
We feel children benefit from being nurtured in a spiritual family. They are part of our service, our prayer, our worship, no less than anyone else in our midst.
We gather in study groups to discuss various aspects of spirituality and to share thoughts on current issues that challenge and stretch our faith.
Social events such as special holiday services, musical performances, picnics, pot luck suppers, celebrations, town activities and outreach help bind the congregation and community together.
Our areas of outreach include:
- Prayer for those in need during our closing circle on Sundays and in our quiet moments at home during the week
- Pittsford Foodshelf
- UMCOR/Church World Service
- Vermont Green-Up Day Sponsors
- Visitations/Christmas Caroling
- Community Open Mic Nights
- Rutland Women's Network
- Heifer International
...You are welcome just as you are.